Andrew further said, “The metaverse is already here as a collection of digital worlds each with its own physics to determine what’s possible within them. The defining quality of the metaverse will be presence — the feeling of really being there with people — and FRL has been focused on building products that deliver presence across digital spaces.” The definition of metaverses sounded wide-ranged according to Bosworth. It seemed to be a cross-platform group that majorly will focus on blending traditional Facebook, VR-AR, and gaming into one world. It looks to be multi-device having VR as optional. For the future Horizon is the backbone of many metaverse groups. Also Read: Facebook Live Audio Rooms and Podcasts Feature Launch in the US According to the reports, the new group will be led by Vishal Shah, Instagram’s Head of Product. The cloud infrastructure team will be led by Vivek Sharma, Facebook Gaming. Jason Rubin recently joined Facebook Gaming and will lead the content team for the new group. The CEO discussed the idea of building a metaverse that connects work and entertainment with the new platform. Earlier in an interview, Mark Zukerberg showed his desire for the connecting metaverse. He told The Verge: “If we do this well, I think over the next five years or so … we will effectively transition from people seeing us as primarily being a social media company to being a metaverse company.”